December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Quin made yummy peanut butter kiss cookies for Santa. And a giant glass of milk. Mmmm.

December 24, 2010

Fresh Snow for Santa

More snow today for Santa's sleigh! Temps were up to 28 today and Quin had fun playing in the snow.

He came in with rosy cheeks, looking for his hot chocolate in his little silver cup. Quin loves his hot chocolate and doesn't waste a drop :-)

December 15, 2010

Out Takes

And this is why we leave some pictures to the professionals.

December 8, 2010

Football, Fun, & Families

We were happy to have the opportunity to participate in supporting the Vikings Children's Fund. The Vikings Children’s Fund is a way for Vikings players, coaches, and staff to focus their time and resources with that of fans in support of the many needs of children in the Upper Midwest. This event was held at Winter Park in Eden Prairie and benefited two local adoption agencies. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for watching the twins so we could take Quin! He had so much fun! Hope Caden's not too upset Q got to meet some cheerleaders ;-)

December 4, 2010

Meeting Santa

So we decided to traumatize the kids and brought them to meet Santa. Quin was really excited... until he actually met him. Then, not so much. The twins... yeah, no. Santa was not a big hit. We kind of thought that would be the case this year. But the MN Zoo does a geat job of making it an easy place to bring little ones to meet him with kid friendly snacks and activities. It was really easy for Mommy and Dada and we had a lot of fun!

December 2, 2010

Weiner Dog Onesies!

It is still impossible to get a good picture of all three, let alone just the twins. Here they are in their adorable weiner dog onesies! I better start matching them more before they start insisting on picking their own clothes like Q.