September 30, 2010

September 26, 2010

Happy Chuseok!

(Belated :-)

Part of being parents to our beautiful babies includes celebrating their birth culture. We loved our time in Korea and are always seeking ways to celebrate this wonderful country.

In Korea, Chuseok is one of the year’s most important holidays – it’s a fall harvest festival very much like our Thanksgiving in the United States. It's also a time to honor ancestors and the relatives who bore the hardship of life to give a better life for their children. Most people are familiar with the Mid-Autumn Festival, or the Moon Festival, which is similar to Chuseok and observed in many Asian countries like China, Japan, and Vietnam. This year Chuseok was September 21st - September 23rd.

We were all too sick this week to really do much, so we waited until everyone was feeling better. Saturday offered the perfect opportunity to enjoy a special Korean meal in celebration of Chuseok! We are lucky to live close to Hoban's, a wonderful Korean restaurant in Eagan. Everyone enjoyed the bulgogi, the bibimbap, and of course, the kimchi.

September 24, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa

A week or so back we had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa at baby Izaac's 1st birthday party!

September 22, 2010

The Opposite of Fun

The opposite of fun would be three little ones sick with the flu. Poor things. It started with Quin on Monday night. By Tuesday, it was all three. Quin seems back to normal today, so we are hoping the twins are better tomorrow. No one is eating much and everyone has been getting lots of sleep. Quin is excited to tell everyone how he threw up on Dada and how Caden threw up on Mama. This week we have been thankful for the little blessings in life... like the washing machine :-)

September 16, 2010

Water Painting

Here is another fun kid friendly project. Tools needed: Big paint brushes and a bucket of water. The canvas: your driveway, walkway, or deck! This one is really easy to clean up ;-)

September 14, 2010

Art Project

Quin loves his 'Big Kid' craft time. This was making caterpillars... I forgot to take a picture of his finished bug! (The process was way more fun than the product.)

September 9, 2010

Go Vikes!

Our team may not have won, but these guys all looked cute!

September 7, 2010

Kenny Chesney - The Boys of Fall

We love, love, LOVE football in our home. And some of us love Kenny Chesney as well ;-) (Vikes fans, just ignore it's Sean Peyton giving the pep talk.)

September 4, 2010

Growing Up Already!

The twins usually take their meals in their booster seats which are attached to our dining chairs. It's worked out much better than a high chair; it's kept the clutter of 2 extra chairs out of the dining area, and the trays have been an easier size to clean in the sink. The following photo was taken this May 29th.

These two are very active and curious. It was only a matter of time before they had to try out Quin's chair at the table. People always say having an older sibling makes the younger ones move ahead a little faster. Just 3 months later...

A trip to Ikea and all 3 are now in the same little chair. Where have my babies gone? Bike riding, chair sitting... Everyone decided to grow up on me in the same week!

Quin's Bike - Taking it to the Street

Helmet, knee pads, the cutest little bike gloves, and just like that, he was gone. We still can't believe he's really riding his bike!